пятница, 13 января 2017 г.

Tips On How To Reduce Sugar Intake

Tips On How To Reduce Sugar Intake
How to Reduce Sugar Intake
How to Reduce Sugar Intake

Want to learn some simple steps on how to reduce sugar intake?

This is kind of scary, but on average every American consumes over 152 pounds of sugar each year. Many studies show links between a high sugar intake and increased risks of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and premature aging. If you want to be sure to avoid those debilitating conditions, be sure to follow the tips below on “how to reduce sugar intake”.

First Things First – How To Reduce Sugar Intake

Sugar comes in many forms…There are “white sugars” which is what you would commonly finds in food items that you would bake at home. These might include; granulated or “table” sugar, fruit sugar, powdered sugar, etc. These are all common sugars you might use to cook or bake with or just use to add to your corn flakes in the morning.

Then there are “liquid sugars” which are more predominant in the food processing industry. You might have also seen this referred to as “sucrose”.

And finally we have the wolf in sheep’s clothing, “artificial sweeteners” or “sugar free” brands such as Splenda and Equal. You will see artificial sweeteners referred to as “sucralose” or “aspartame” most often on nutrition facts labels.

Much caution must be taken in consuming artificial sweeteners as they have been linked to cancer in many studies. The artificial sweetener “Aspartame” is actually the fecal matter of the e-coli virus…pretty disgusting!

Now that you know what types of sugars you are possibly consuming, now lets take a look at How to reduce that amount, therefore reducing risk of heart disease, diabetes, and a slew of other avoidable conditions!

1.) When you go to the store and read the nutrition labels…sugars are in some sort of witness protection program and are under alias’ such as: sucrose, glucose, fructose, dextrose, lactose, maltose and corn syrup. If any of these are listed in the first three to four ingredients of the list, you can count on a high sugar content and you will want to avoid them.

2.) Satisfy your sweet-tooth with a natural sugar source like fruit. Banana, apple…anything natural. Your brain most likely has become “addicted” to sugar from prolonged indulgences, but it doesnt care how you “fix” the craving. Natural sugars are a much healthier way to deal with these cravings.

3.) Avoid artificial sweeteners when possible. Although they claim to be “sugar free/calorie free”, the toxicity of these ingredients far outweighs any benefit they offer in the way of reduced calorie foods. Try a natural sweetener like Stevia instead.

4.) DO NOT skip meals. What happens when you skip meals, is that your body’s blood sugar levels will drop significantly and you will end up having intense cravings to boost your levels back to normal. When this happens, most people make terrible food choices and end up spiking their blood sugar so high that it causes your blood sugar to tank once again…and you continue a vicious cycle of binge eating. Get your sugars from complex carbs (think wheat, oats, sweet potatos, veggies) and they will keep your blood sugar levels stable and you can avoid intense cravings.

5.) Drink water throughout the day. The brain is a very interesting thing…It cant actually tell the difference between a food craving and a thirst craving. Sometimes and 8oz glass of water is all you need to cure your brain of the hunger pang and you can avoid a bad nutritional decision altogether! Not to mention there are significant health benefits associated with staying hydrated.

6.) When checking out food labels, stick to foods that have less than 8g of sugar per serving in addition to checking what “type” of sugars are in the product.

7.) Common “healthy” foods that are packed full of sugar are: yogurts, granola bars, protein bars, per-packaged oatmeal, the healthy choice type frozen meals, dairy products. You will be surprised at how easy it is when learning how to reduce sugar intake if you double check the labels of all the “healthy” foods you are buying.

It Takes A Conscious Effort – How To Reduce Sugar Intake

“Healthy Is Deceiving”

What it really boils down to is that in order to achieve your weight loss goals and avoid digressing in your progress, you need to make a conscious effort to listen to your body and understand what its telling you through cravings and energy levels.

You need to develop the habit of looking at nutrition labels despite your preconceive notion about the “healthiness” of any food that comes packaged.

This might be a big change for you, but I can tell you from experience, that with consistency you will develop the habit and with habit comes results!

Just for fun, be sure to visit http://www.sugarstacks.com/ for some visuals of how much sugar is in common American food choices…it will shock you!

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Original article and pictures take rippedclub.net site

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