пятница, 21 декабря 2007 г.

5 Ways to Kick the Soda Habit

5 Ways to Kick the Soda Habit

Drinking soda may bubble up one’s risk for respiratory problems, according to research published in the journal Respirology. In a study of more than 16,000 South Australians, those who regularly drank soft drinks had a significantly higher chance of developing asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) than those who didn’t. While the researchers point out an association between soft drink-consumption and respiratory ills, they don’t show direct cause-and-effect.

When it comes to soda and health in general, we know sugary beverages can load your diet with empty calories. It’s not good for your heart or blood vessel health, either. When it comes to asthma, obesity can worsen symptoms due to inflammation.

But sweet, fizzy, and refreshing, a soda can sound tempting. For some, it’s not easy to stop sipping sugary drinks cold-turkey.

Tips for Quitting Soda

From caffeine fixes to sugar highs, it can be hard to put a cap on your soda-drinking habit. But following a focused strategy — the same way you would if you wanted to lose weight or give up cigarettes — can make the process can less painful than you might think.

Here are five steps to help you stop sipping soda:

  • Start with just one. True soda addicts may have problems going cold turkey, so if you drink more than one can a day, cutting out one soda per day is a good way to start. And you’ll boost any weight-loss goals you might have in the process. “For every one can of soda you take away from your daily diet, you could lose up to 16 pounds in a year,” says dietitian Hannah El-Amin, RD, of Northwestern Integrative Medicine in Chicago.
  • Try sparkling water. If you’re missing the fizz, sparkling water is a good, low-calorie replacement during meals or when the vending machine is calling out to you. Add flavor with a fresh orange, lime, or lemon slice.
  • Replace the caffeine. If you experience withdrawal symptoms, like headaches, from your quest to quit soda, it’s probably tied to the caffeine content. One approach is to replace the soda with a healthier beverage that contains some caffeine, like tea. “Commercially prepared iced tea usually has less than half the caffeine of colas,” says El-Amin. “If you brew your own at home, use a short brewing time of one to two minutes to help keep the caffeine low.”
  • Wean yourself off the sugar. Sugar withdrawal can also create cravings when you stop drinking regular soda. “Replace each soda with a piece of fruit, and then start tapering down the fruit until you’re only eating two pieces of low or moderate glycemic index fruits daily, like berries or apples,” says JJ Virgin, a certified nutrition specialist in California. “You need to shift over your body from being a sugar burner to being able to burn stored body fat for fuel.”
  • Learn to love water. Plain old water is the healthiest alternative when you stop drinking soda. And believe it or not, there are ways to make it taste better. “Add a fresh squeeze of lemon or carry crystallized citrus packets with you for an easy way to make bottled water more interesting,” says El-Amin.

Original article and pictures take images.agoramedia.com site

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